Global Warming is a very common term nowadays. Everyday, the heat of sun is absorbed by a group of gases, which are collectively called the Greenhouse Gases. It consists Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Water vapour, Nitrous oxide, etc. Their role is to make our planet warm enough for our survival. But, if the level of these gases increase, they will absorb much more heat, making the Earth too hot to live ! This heating of earth is called Global Warming. The increase in the amount of Greenhouse gases is due to pollution, deforestration, burning fossil fuels like coal and petrol in large amounts.
The temperature of earth has rised something about 0.8 degree celcius, since 1880. The increase in Earth's temperature has resulted in the rapid melting of polar ice caps, increase in the sea level, submergence of low-lying islands and also in the flooding of coastal areas.
The temperature of earth has rised something about 0.8 degree celcius, since 1880. The increase in Earth's temperature has resulted in the rapid melting of polar ice caps, increase in the sea level, submergence of low-lying islands and also in the flooding of coastal areas.